Your Best Voice SLP

Tel: 732-942-7220
Monmouth County's Most Experienced Professionals
At Alliance Speech, Feeding & Swallowing Center in Howell, NJ, we specialize in orofacial myofunctional, speech, language, voice and feeding and swallowing issues. We bring with us many years of expertise and a passion for our work with the best, most comprehensive set of treatments available.
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Oral Motor Feeding Swallowing Disorders
Language Disorders
Voice Disorders
Speech Articulation Disorders
Auditory Processing Deficit
Accent Modification
Oral Motor Feeding Swallowing Disorders
Language Disorders
Voice Disorders
Speech Articulation Disorders
Auditory Processing Deficit
Accent Modification

From Children to Adults...
We specialize in orofacial myofunctional disorders, as well as in oral motor feeding disorders, speech, language and voice disorders. Orofacial myofunctional disorders are quite common and include tongue thrusts, tongue ties, prolonged thumb sucking habit elimination, disordered breathing, and compensatory swallowing issues in patients. Patients need to be 4 or 5 years of age to be mature enough to be able to participate in this type of treatment.
We also see younger patients often with tongue ties who have associated breathing, feeding and oral phase of swallowing difficulties who are infants and toddlers, as well as preschoolers also affecting their emerging speech, language and voice. For this age group, these problems are addressed through passive stretches, feeding treatment and by oral motor activities using straws, horns and bubbles or other fun activities, and are preventative treatment to minimize the development of maladaptive behaviors later that might otherwise become a myofunctional disorder.
For each evaluation, depending on the age and presenting concerns, oral structures and the functions of breathing, feeding and swallowing, speech production, language and voice are assessed. Speech language pathologists and in particular, those who are also certified orofacial myofunctional therapists are trained to look at these components separately as well as how they impact each other in an individual.
We Can Help.
We also evaluate and treat speech and language difficulties due to a variety of disorders. Fluency, auditory processing, as well as transgender voice to mention a few.
Sometimes patients require a team of professionals from a variety of disciplines. We work closely with ENTs, PTs, OTs, lactation consultants, osteopaths, airway focused dentists and orthodontists, and oral surgeons and sleep medicine doctors. Take a look at our network of professionals to see how we offer comprehensive care. We make sure to refer patients to the best in the area when it will benefit our patients.

Yes, We Take Insurance!
The services we provide include evaluation and treatment of the following conditions:
Auditory Processing Deficit (APD)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Oral Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
Therapy and Treatment Services
Below are the therapy and treatment services I offer for

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs)
Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists are able to identify when there is overuse or underuse of facial muscles to complete the oral preparatory and oral phase of swallowing, as well as determine the effect that might have on development, or ongoing issues in the case of adults.